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The Anti-Aging Answer to Presbyopia

It Is an all too-familiar image: a group of middle aged individuals huddled in a restaurant fighting to read the menu. Some feeling their arms are excessively short; others squinting, transferring their arms in and outside in what is been coined the "trombone syndrome." Still others, rifling through bags or ... It is an all too-familiar image: a group of middle aged individuals huddled in a restaurant fighting to read the menu. Some feeling their arms are excessively short; others squinting, transferring their arms in and outside in what is been coined the "trombone syndrome."

What Is going on? That is when the eyes begin to reduce the capability to see clearly up close.

affects over 100 million adults in the U.S. This year, based on, over nine million more Americans will begin holding their novels and papers a little further away from their faces to be able to see them clearly.

"Decreased eyesight," it turns out, is women's third top health concern after cardiovascular disease and aging, a Varilux Boomer Watch survey reported.

Most eye doctors will say that there's no treatment for presbyopia except operation or corrective lenses.

June Sistela*, a New York businesswoman, found herself fighting to see print certainly about six months past. And she was not interested in the danger of operation.

Surgical treatments for presbyopia comprise conductive keratoplasty (CK), which costs up to $2,500 and isn't insured by health insurance.

Behavioral optometrist Dr. Carl F. Gruning, of Southport, Connecticut, a complete clinical professor at SUNY College of Optometry and one of the world's top professionals in the field of vision treatment, isn't advocating CK operation yet. He tells his patients, "it is comparatively brand new, and not to hurry in."

Ms. Sistela* sought a natural choice. She located The Read Without Glasses System.

Originated by Dr. Ray Gottlieb, O.D., Ph.D., F.C.O.V.D., a Rochester, New York, vision therapy optometrist, The Read Without Glasses Method challenges traditional thinking about aging eyes.

"I Have found my patients improve their near vision, avoid reading glasses, get free of them or desire feebler ones," says Dr. Gottlieb, who's also Dean of the College of Syntonic Optometry.

Dr. Gottlieb found the genesis of what would become The Read Without Glasses Method nearly 30 years ago when he was seeking to help a 52-year old patient regain his ability to read without bifocals.

"The mechanism that causes the eyes to focus clearly at close is called lodging," he says. "In young folks, when an image becomes clouded, the eyes sharpen focus simply and mechanically. But with age, lodging loses power as well as the fuzzy picture isn't enough to arouse lodging by itself."

It happened to Dr. Gottlieb that another ocular actions - convergence - additionally arouses lodging. "Turning our eyes inward additionally arouses their ability to focus clearly at near, which occurs through an alternate mechanism called convergence-lodging."

So, Dr. Gottlieb designed a carefully made graph which induced his patient's eyes to converge ardently and found that this let his patient to see clearly at close. "The development continued for years," he says.

The Read Without Glasses Method was co-developed by Martin Sussman, president of the Cambridge Institute for Better Eyesight (

"Now it's much simpler to see," Ms. Sistela* says, "I can read a lot more of the smaller print. The process is easy to learn. Practice is simple. I'm getting great results using at least time."

Just as we extend, bend and exercise our bodies to fend off aging, Ms. Sistela* found that her eyes - like the remainder of her body - can gain from exercise, re training and easiness.

And just as convergence is an integral component, so is its opposite - divergence, which enables the eye muscles to relax so the eyes straighten for space viewing.

The strategy isn't going to work for the little portion of individuals who have just one working eye, lazy eye, eye-turning difficulties or serious low vision.

Dr. Jacob Liberman, author of Take Off Your Glasses and See and Light: Medicine of the Future, who has used it, says "The Read Without Glasses System unites the finest of optometric vision therapy and natural eyesight activities to create a easy and powerful method to sharpen your eyesight."

"We wish to counter the prevalent notion," Sussman says, "that the sole alternative to this issue is more powerful and more powerful reading glasses, bifocals or operation." Includes Dr. Gottlieb, 63, who has never desired reading glasses, "I imagine you could say I am a testimonial myself."

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